Making your options clear
When financing that new piece of equipment you have a lot of options. Getting the details straight might be a challenge, but here, we compiled a list of financial vehicles you can use as a reference when weighing those options. Continental offers a variety of commercial equipment loans and leasing contracts. Depending on the type of equipment, contracts range from 24 to 84 months.
There are always advantages to different options and we are happy to hear the specifics of your situation. If you’re looking for something unique or just want some more info, give us a call.
Continental offers flexible TRAC, Split TRAC, and Fair Market Value leasing options. Leasing allows Continental’s customers to acquire a significant asset without a down payment to conserve funds, keep their equipment up to date, and protect other critical credit sources. At the end of the lease, the customer may buy the equipment, upgrade to new equipment, extend the lease at a reduced rate, or return the vehicle and walk away.
Continental’s products and services include:
Look like a good fit?
TRAC stands for Terminal Rental Adjustment Clause. These types of transactions are also referred to as open-end leases because the ultimate obligation of the Lessee is not determined until the end of the lease term. A TRAC lease is a lease of motor vehicles where the Lessee is obligated to make up any shortfall, or receive any excess proceeds, upon a disposition of the equipment at the end of the lease term. At the outset of the transaction, the Lessor and Lessee agree on what is commonly referred to as the Residual Value. This amount is generally a prediction of the fair market value of the motor vehicles at the end of the term.
Sound like a good fit?
A Split TRAC Lease follows the same basic principles as the TRAC Lease except that the Lessee’s potential lease-end exposure is limited to a portion of the Residual Value. The Lessee’s end of term payment amount is sometimes referred to as the Lessee’s Guaranteed Residual Amount. A properly structured Split TRAC Lease will be treated as a true lease for GAAP and Federal Tax purposes.
Sound like a good fit?
A FMV lease offers a low monthly payment, is the most flexible lease structure, and may allow you some tax advantages. Technically, you don’t own the equipment (think of it like renting over a fixed period of time). The equipment may not be considered an asset on your balance sheet. Depending on the situation, up to 100% of the finance expense may be tax deductible. At the end of the lease term, you may purchase the equipment, return the equipment to the finance company, or continue to pay for use of the equipment according to the terms of the original agreement.
Look like a good fit?
Our most popular Financing option
If you or your customer wants equipment ownership, the ability to build equity, and an avenue for depreciation – they should consider a loan. Basically a simple interest loan, with no prepayment penalties.
Retail financing (also known as debt financing) allows your customers to include the funding for related equipment and many of the other costs for placing equipment in service.
Most importantly, your customers will be putting their trust in a company whose interest lies in the success of their ownership experience, This is an excellent choice for new or used equipment.
You can choose from a long list of payment options:
We also pride ourselves on custom funding solutions. Sound like what you’re looking for? Apply and we’ll get in touch.
Our best option for community associations. If your community association or one you mange needs to take on a maintenance project but doesn’t want to deplete your organizations reserve fund – you should consider a community association loan. The collateral for this loan is your organization’s monthly assessment dues. This means that no members of the board are expected to post personal collateral for their community association loans. Most importantly, your organization will be putting their trust in a company whose interest lies in the success of their community association. You can choose from a long list of payment options:
We also pride ourselves on custom funding solutions. Sound like what you’re looking for? Apply and we’ll get in touch.
We have a proven track record of working with our partners and customers in developing financing strategies that help them achieve their goals.